Why create an editorial policy?

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The aim of an editorial charter is to lay down the rules for the brand's language, so that what it says is as coherent and consistent as possible. But the editorial charter has other trump cards up its sleeve

Editorial Charter

Why Create an Editorial Charter?

The goal of an editorial charter is to establish the brand's language rules so that its expressions are as consistent and homogeneous as possible.

But the editorial charter has other advantages:

  • Align your teams with your brand personality.

We don't create an editorial charter just for the pleasure of having a new PowerPoint in our content library:

  • The editorial charter is essential to standardize your expressions!

The editorial charter reaches a consensus on what you do, why you do it, and how to communicate it.

  • It provides clear instructions on the editorial rules to apply during the design and production of your content.
  • It allows aligning your teams with the quality criteria to be respected, regardless of the media and content types produced for your Inbound Marketing strategy.
  • In internal or external communication, it enables your teams to speak with one voice.

Strengthen Your Brand Image:

  • Every week, you publish dozens of contents on your site, blog, and social networks.
  • All these efforts serve your brand image.
  • To avoid harming it, the identity and quality of the produced content must remain consistent from one channel to another.

This is the strength of an editorial charter; it allows aligning each of your contents, whether it's your newsletter, a blog article, an event, or a YouTube video: You build your reputation by personalizing your media consistently.

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